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PTA Programs and Events

Cedar Valley PTA works hard to ensure our children can have a rich and rewarding experience during their time at our school.   Our events are designed to create fond memories of elementary school and to a promote strong sense of community within our walls.


A great time for the whole Cedar Valley Community! Our annual Carnival has bouncy houses, dunk tank (with teachers), games, prizes, food, vendors, and more.  Come and enjoy a special night with the whole school! 

Math and Science Night Pizza

Helvetica Light is an easy to read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.

End of the Year Water Park

 The PTA rewards everyone for a great year by renting a water park for the exclusive use of Cedar Valley's families and friends!  


Each year Cedar Valley PTA awards three educational scholarships.  Two of the scholarships support previous Cedar Valley students that are graduating high school: Dominique Owens Foundation and the Gower Memorial.  The third scholarship is awarded to any employee of Cedar Valley who is in the process of getting a degree. 

Teacher Appreciation Luncheon

 It is so important to show our teachers how thankful we are to them for all that they do for our children! PTA shows our gratitude by hosting a luncheon for all of Cedar Valley's teachers and staff during the district Teacher Appreciation week..  

Field Day

Field Day is a blast!  Every year our PE department organizes a wonderful outdoor event for our kids to enjoy.  PTA adds to the fun by supplying freeze pops and water bottles to every student. .


A yearbook is a precious keepsake for a child's school years.  These books document memories and special events throughout the year.   Our PTA hopes that by providing these yearbooks, the students will always remember their time as a dolphin!

Field Trip Assistance

PTA donates money to grade levels for their field trips every year.  This allows our children to go to better locations, and also reduces the fee's for the parents!.

School Supplies

How long do you think the pencil's in the classroom last?  Not long!  In an effort to minimize the financial impact of these extra supplies, PTA ask each teachers to write a wish list of supplies.  Some are the regular everyday item i.e. glue, pencils, and paper, and others? Well we have had some fun request- anyone heard of math dice? .

School Improvement

Every year the PTA picks a special project to donate to the school, join PTA and help us decide for this year!

Spirit Gear

Very few know the spirit shirt tradition at Cedar Valley.  Each year our principal picks a theme for the following year that is used to motivate and encourage the students and staff.  PTA works with the Principal by making the theme our spirit gear for the year in an effort to support the message.  

HEB "Save the planet" One Bag at a Time

Anyone have plastic grocery bags at home?  Well save them!  Every year around Earth Day PTA teams up with HEB's "Save the Planet" One Bag at a Time Campaign.  We collect grocery bags and offer a pizza party to the class who collects the most. Then HEB takes all of our bags and recycles them, it's a win for everyone! 

School Club Support

At Cedar Valley club's are traditionally offered without club fee's, unlike many other schools.  The teachers and leaders of these clubs work hard to raise money so that these activities may remain free to the students. PTA believes in the importance of extracurricular activities, and offers support to any club who request assistance.  .

Box Top Program

Box Tops 4 Education is a national program sponsored by various corporations who agree to donate .10 to the school for every box top turned in on our behalf.  The financial potential for this program is immense as some school make up $20,000 annually.  Our PTA organizes incentive programs, collects, counts, and submits box tops for Cedar Valley. Please help us support our school!

Math and Science Night Pizza

Teachers from every grade level design games that incorporate Math and Science concepts for their students. This event is also known for its famous Pumpkin Explosion- where one our teachers shows children how science can be fun!  The PTA supports our wonderful teachers and students at this event by providing FREE pizza and drinks for the whole family. It's a fun educational experience that is completely free!  

Holiday Shop

This event is a wonderful way to bring a little holiday spirit to the school during the month of December.  Children can purchase presents for their parents all by themselves.  Not only do the children enjoy surprising their parents on Christmas Day, but they also have to learn a little about budgeting and money counting.  All in all, this is an exciting tradition at Cedar Valley- so be on the look out!

Family Movie Night

Parents and students are invited to enjoy a movie with the Cedar Valley community.  Typically held in the gym, this event features free admission, free raffle, and concession.  .

Dolphin Dash

Each year Cedar Valley PTA host a run event that combines physical education and fundraising.  The kids have a blast with class bonus's , daily lesson's on fitness, .individual prizes, and the ever popular pie in the face reward!

Fall Fundraiser

Our fundraising event in the fall is typically a catalog style sale.  We work hard to ensure the companies we choose have great prizes and quality products for our families.  The funds raised during our fundraising events are used to support all the programs listed above. 

Silent Auction

The annual Silent Auction was created to raise money for the Dominique Owens Foundation. This event is typically held during Carnival- come check out the products! There are many great deals to be found, while supporting this wonderful cause!

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